Tuesday 30 October 2012

30th October

This is a simple picture I created this picture in today's lecture using Photoshop, in this case I had a background of a city scene, I then placed an image of an eye on top of the background, using a both of the Quick Selection Tool and the Magnetic Lasso Tool, I removed the eye from the image allowing the background to be seen, and finally used a special brush to create the lashes.

Working at the head office for a women's clothing company I have seen how Photoshop is used to create the images that go on our website and in our catalogue. For example most images on our homepage http://www.wall-london.com/ would use a similar method to mine, finding a background in this case plain grey (may be different now) and placing an image of the model on top and using the same selection tools mentioned previously and the inverse tool, the old background is removed and the grey background is revealed.

In another lecture I have this semester Artist PR and Publicity we are learning about press packs usually a 'Pack Shot' of the artist(s) will be included which is an official image of the artist(s) themselves or a logo that represents them, either way it will have been created on Photoshop or Illustrator.

This is a pack shot for 'The Saturdays' the girls would have been seated on a bench of some sort in their poses, then the image of a beam in the sky would be used as a background, removing the bench from the image, the long trains of the dresses were most likely added on later along with the text.

Using this software, I have recognised just how much can be done with it and how much it is used.

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